Board Members


CEO Message

Providing total solutions for semiconductor manufacturing with the world's best information

Thank you for visiting the website of TMH Inc.
“I want to solve various problems facing the semiconductor industry.”With this thought in mind, I founded TMH Inc. in 2012.
Before launching TMH, I worked in the procurement department of one of Japan's largest semiconductor divisions. While Japanese semiconductor factories are facing various problems, overseas semiconductor manufacturers are emerging, and it seems they have 'procurement capabilities (high-quality and inexpensive manufacturing equipment, parts, services, etc.)' that support their competitiveness.
After leaving my old company, I met hundreds of suppliers, and at first I started dealing directly with the best parts suppliers and repairers. We have taken steps to provide our customers with excellent products and services, and to provide even better services in terms of cost, quality, and delivery.

Providing total solutions for semiconductor manufacturing with the world's best information


Taisuke Enami


However, the larger the size of the company, the more difficult it was to take risks. So I decided to start a business to realize my dream, which is the start of TMH.
At TMH, we are currently strive to 'provide total solutions for semiconductor manufacturing with the world's best information capabilities.'
With LAYLA, an international EC platform, as a foothold, we aim to collect information globally and develop our business on a global field.
We will continue to create solutions to our customers' problems by making full use of our information and engineering capabilities cultivated in Japan and overseas. We look forward to your continued support in the future.


Taisuke Enami


Board Introduciton


Kenichi Katsuki


Engaged in purchasing and procurement for over 20 years with Toshiba Corporation. In 2012, he was assigned to the Integrated Materials Division of Toshiba's Head Office Procurement Department, achieving cost reductions and improvements worth several billion yen per year. Joined TMH in 2016. In his current position, as the head of the business division, he oversees and manages both offense and defense, from the planning and execution of business strategies to business legal compliance (export control, etc.)


Maki Seki


At Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting Co., Ltd., a major business company, he engaged in many management reforms such as supply chain reform, M&A, and cost improvement. He joined TMH in 2015. In his current position, he engages in activities that contribute to improving corporate value as the head of the administration department. He leads the planning and implementation of new business plans, fundraising, designing systems such as evaluation systems and regulations, building internal control systems, and preparing for IPOs.

Introduction of external director

External director

Osamu Nogimura

External director

He was previously Executive Officer and General Manager of the Production Division of Renesas Electronics Corporation,
President of Renesas Semiconductor Package & Test Solutions Corp. Ltd. and currently serves as an external director to TMH Ltd.


Contribute to building a prosperous society with the philosophy of Technology Makes Happiness

As TMH Inc. is composed of the initials of Technology Makes Happiness, our mission is to create a prosperous society with advanced technology.


TMH is the customer's best partner
for reviving Japanese semiconductors,
liquid crystals, and solar power.

Employee first principle

First and foremost is to create a working environment in which employees can work energetically. We believe that a company where its employees shine has high quality work and undoubtedly high customer satisfaction.

Providing best value

Thoroughly think through and continue to provide value that exceeds the expectations of customers and society.


Always be a sincere and highly moral company

Compliance Policy

  • (1)TMH employees will continue to be equal regardless of nationality, race, gender or religion.
  • (2)We will not only pursue profits as an organization, but also take responsibility for the impact of our organizational activities on society and fulfill our corporate social responsibility.
  • (3)Continue to be a company with integrity and high morals
  • Basic policy for blocking relationships with anti-social forces

    Established December 1, 2017
    TMH Inc.
    In order to block relationships with anti-social forces and prevent damage, we have established the following basic policies and declare that we will strive to ensure the appropriateness and soundness of our operations.
    • 1. Response as an organization
      We are strongly aware of our social responsibility, and in order to ensure compliance management, we will establish a system to block relationships with anti-social forces as an organization as a whole.
    • 2. Block all relationships including transactions
      We have established a system for collecting and managing information on anti-social forces, and have no relationship whatsoever, including business relationships, with anti-social forces. We resolutely reject unreasonable demands from anti-social forces.
    • 3. Collaboration with external specialized agencies
      In preparation for unreasonable demands from anti-social forces, we will always cooperate closely with external specialized agencies such as the police, the Center for the Elimination of Violence, and lawyers.
    • 4. Civil and criminal legal responses in emergencies
      We will resolutely reject unreasonable demands by anti-social forces and take legal action from both civil and criminal perspectives.
    • 5. No Backroom Dealings or Funding
      We will never engage in backroom deals that cover up scandals with anti-social forces. In addition, we will never provide funds to anti-social forces.